My Commitment is to my Students. Why do they need Computerized Instruction?

Weaver educational software is designed to be your classroom assistant, providing you with the tools to match your curriculum to individual students.

Initial assessment results enable you to sort and organize each class into four quartiles of relative performance. Over time, each Teacher can track and assign custom Lesson Plans for each Class Quartile to ensure that all Students achieve consistently higher performance results for:

Reading Comprehension

Teaches the student how to determine the Topic or Subject, Main Idea, Supporting Details, Multiple Main Ideas, Action and Critical Reading and Thinking Skills.


There are 7,000 core Vocabulary words. Each word is pronounced audibly and is used in context up to 10 times. Full Vocabulary instruction for Grades 1 through 14.

Grammar Skills

Teaches Prepositional Phrases, Subjects and Verbs, Direct and Indirect Objects, Subject Complements, Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Phrases and Clauses.


From Basic Addition to Linear Inequalities and Quadratic Equations.
Weaver educational software is written to provide the Teacher with full control of the means by which Online Educational Access is delivered in the classroom setting, because of our belief that each Student’s Instructor is indisputably in the best position to evaluate their progress and consistency.